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Hola, hay alguna forma de salir del bucle de shadow bans ? antes de adquirir el cliente, era ya un jugador de 3 de kd con 10-15 kills por partida y habia obtenido 2 shadow bans, ahora con el truco adquirido, hago entre 10-20 por partida, sin usar aimbot y disimulando el ESP, cree cuentas nuevas con numeros de telefono distintos y son prohibidas desp de 2-3 partidas ( sin siquiera estar usando el cliente ).

La cuenta main voy por mi tercer shadow, y es prohibida cada 1-2 dias despues.


Hello, is there a way to get out of the shadow ban loop? Before acquiring the client, I was already a 3 kd player with 10-15 kills per game and had obtained 2 shadow bans, now with the acquired trick, I do between 10-20 per game, without using aimbot and hiding the ESP, Create new accounts with different phone numbers and they are banned after 2-3 games (without even using the client).

The main account is on my third shadow, and it is banned every 1-2 days after that.

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